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Got Kids? You can still workout!

Having discipline and holding oneself accountable to workout as a single person is often a challenge for most people. We hear the same excuses as to why a person can't workout with the most common excuse being "no time!" There is always going to be someone busier than you that is still getting their workout in. Know why? Because being healthy is important to them. These people don't try to find time, they make time.

But what about when the the first baby comes along. You thought you didn't have time before, now what? Again, there are plenty of moms and dads out there still staying in shape and getting their workouts in. How do they do it? They adjust to a new schedule and make time for themselves still. To some, it might seem a little selfish but the benefits of working out will make for a much more energized and productive day.

Before we had Sophia, people would tell us we wouldn't be able to workout as much once we have a baby. Well, not true! Working out and living a healthy lifestyle is very important to both of us so we adapt, work together and continue to workout 5-6 days a week, every week!

If you want to get fit and healthy, you have to reduce the size of your BUTS! But I have a baby, But I am so tired, But I don't have time...BUT BUT BUT. These are just excuses we tell ourselves to make us feel better about not workout out or eating healthy.

Believe it or not, even when you feel super tired, you should still push yourself to workout. Tell yourself, "yes I am tired but I will feel energized for the entire day if I get a workout in. And, sleep like a baby tonight."

It is time to ditch the excuses and get it done!

So, how has our workout schedule changed?

Before Sophia, we would workout 5-6 days per week. Typically we would both work and then meet at the gym around 4:30 to shoot some hoops. Three games of H-O-R-S-E before heading upstairs for 40-60 minutes of cardio or strength training. Sure, we could take our time, no biggy. If one of us worked later, we could easily bump our workout to 5 or 5:30. Even though we both wake up between 5:30 and 6:00, we never had to think about being morning workout people. We worked out when we wanted to.

Then we were blessed with our little one which is absolutely amazing!! Of course being new parents is an adjustment with the demands of nursing, a new crazy sleep schedule or lack of sleep really and juggling life, work, family, baby....and so on. But, no excuses! A week back from the hospital and we were back on schedule. Just slightly different workouts.

While Grahame was able to keep his afternoon workout schedule, he opted to reduce the days at the gym to about 3 and join me for some at home Beachbody P90X-3 workouts. We setup a yoga mat in the mornings and streamed P90X-3 right in our living room. Whether Sophia was sleeping or awake, she was by our side as we got our 30 minute workout in. With just having a baby, the 30 minutes of total body training was perfect.

So just when we got used to our new workout schedule, it changed again when Sophia became mobile. It suddenly became more challenging to run a company from home while chasing around a little one all day. Starting to feel the stress more of when to fit the workout in, I knew it was time to make a change. Guess who just became morning workout!

Since we go to bed so early, typically by 9, Grahame is up by 5 and I am up by 6. We are so lucky that Sophia sleeps 12 hours a night, pretty much 6:30-6:30! So, these days Grahame hits the gym at 6am-7am as I get Sophia up and fed. He sends a text when he is on his way back from the gym and I get a healthy breakfast made for us. By the time we finish eating at 730, Sophia is ready for her first nap, Grahame is getting ready for work and I head out for a run. On days Grahame has an early breakfast meeting, Sophia comes with me on my morning runs in our BOB jogging stroller. Even though we never thought we would be morning workout people, we love it!! We have so much energy throughout the day.

Working out is not all about physical health. For both of us, we find that the consistent exertion helps us deal with life's challenges, both emotional and physical. While some people can't wait to get home and eat a whole bag of cookies or chips after a stressful day, we can't wait to workout and reward ourself with a healthy meal.

Another key aspect of a habitual and consistent exercise routine is that you are showing your child that as being a normal activity in life. In effect, you are showing them how to live a healthy life. If they see you working out, they will be curious about it and want to do it with you. As a result, they will be as active as you are.

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